Luis (Tapi..) Tapia
React and Next.js Frontend Developer. Passionate about creating delightful user experiences and modern web interfaces. / @tapilew

Teaching Assistant
Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
Aug 2024 - Present
- Created CSx900 courses LMS
- Taught in ICTx50 (Information and Communication Technology) and Collabx256 (Collaborative Systems) with professor Víctor López Cabrera
- Educative material elaboration for NumMethx64 (Numerical Methods) with professor Johel H. Batista C.

Hackatomik [H9]
Jul 2024 - Present
- Developed reusable React components and custom hooks for complex UI patterns
- Implemented responsive designs and animations using modern CSS techniques
- Built user-centric interfaces at H9.software ©

Front-End Development Volunteer
Fundación Ayudinga
May 2023 - Present
- Implemented a comprehensive design system using Storybook, enhancing UI consistency and development efficiency across the foundation's digital platforms
- Built responsive web applications using Next.js 14 with the App Router
- Contributed to the foundation's mission by implementing accessible and user-friendly interfaces for educational content delivery

Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
Management Information Systems (MIS) Engineering
Mar 2023 -
- Databases / Excel (same thing)
- Programming
- Software Engineering

Self-taught online tech professional education
Nov 2021 - Present
- JavaScript School
- Startups School

CSx900 Learning Platform
Modern UI built with Next.js and React. Features custom animations, responsive layouts, and seamless user interactions using React hooks and modern CSS